About Us

Virgin Hair Brokers was founded by a African american Woman by the name of Sharnae Alexander. Who was a single mother of two. Working a full time job. And attending school at night. Who noticed within her circle of friends, herself included. The large sums of money they were spending on their hair. And although they were spending top dollar on this quote on quote "Human hair". It was not lasting much longer then the cheap synthetic hair you find at your local beauty supply store. She soon realized after some research that the hair she was being sold was not human hair at all. And not only was retailers selling poor quality hair. All the hair retailers were non African American. Which was ironic to her. Because just about all of the hair consumers are African American. Disapointed and fustrated. She started to wonder what a difference she could make by becoming a honest Human hair retailer. Who did not overcharge customers. But offered them a high quality product at a low price. So that some single mother like she was out there. Could afford to look fabulous. Without spending a fortune. And soon after Virgin Hair Brokers was born. 

Our company stands behind Three core values. High Quality, Low Prices, Great Service!